Looking at Those Resolutions Halfway Through the Year

The same friend that prompted this post did a quarterly update on her own 2011 goals. Since we’re almost halfway through the year and it’s not likely I’ll be thinking that much about resolutions while on vacation, I figured I’d take a look at what I was thinking last December and see how I’ve done so far.

1. Reach My Goal Weight: Given that I’m down more than half the difference since last December, I’m going to cautiously say yes, I’m going to make this goal. The reason I’m being cautious is that I’m about to spend three weeks facing down some serious food challenges while in the UK. That picture to the left? That’s called an Ulster Fry. Apparently it’s not served just in Ulster but is likely to be a pretty good representation of a lot of the breakfasts we are likely to see. Forget about things like “High Tea” at Harrod’s or any of the other possible food options we’ll come across. Can you say “Cadbury Flake?” I have a lot of food memories of living in London, and I’m going to have to try to keep some of them just memories and resist trying to relive them.

2. Submit at Least Three Short Stories for Publication: Well, I didn’t say what kind of short stories, now did I? While it may seem like a cop-out to some folks, I am going to say work under my pen name qualifies. I’ve got one story out with the final edit being done for a site that publishes erotica. I’ve been told that it should be “up soon.” I’m thinking it will appear while I’m on vacation, but that’s okay. I’ve started another short story under the same name, and I will submit that to the same site in Mid-July. So, I’ve got one third of my goal accomplished, and am well on my way to 2/3. There’s one more short story just a single edit away from submission as well. I do believe that this goal is close to being in the bag.

3. Actively Help and Support my Writing Group: Hmmmm…I wouldn’t say this is a complete fail, but I could be doing better at this. I have had the opportunity to have a story reviewed recently–the one that’s just an edit away from sending out. I’ve also been able to read some really good work from my group members. I’ve not been terribly good at helping with the organizing or calling to make reservations at the place we usually meet.

4. Read all My Book Group Books:I had to look at what the offerings were so far in 2011. In January, we read Never Cry Wolf, by Farley Mowat. That was an easy read. Got all the way through it happily. February’s pick, Plum Wine by Davis Gardner is still in a canvas tote that I took with us on a little family outing along the way. I started it, but…it just didn’t grab me. Huck Finn for March was clearly cheating. How many times have I read that book? Did I re-read it? Nope. I figured I’d read it at least four time if not more, I didn’t really need a refresher for the discussion that was finally cancelled after enough people were sick or otherwise busy. The Unlikely Disciple by Kevin Roose in April was one of the best picks of the year as far as I’m concerned. I read the whole thing, handed it off to both Margy and Dave who followed suit. It’s a fascinating read, and I’m looking forward to what Roose will do next. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark was our final book, and it left me cold. As a matter of fact, I couldn’t stand this book. Granted, I picked it up and had my mind set on reading a regular sort of novel. If I had known that Spark is a post-modernist writer, I would have had an easier time of it. (Maybe. I’m not a fan of books without some sort of…story.) As it was, I lost patience with the prose and tossed it aside. Literally. My copy has a bent corner now. This resolution is clearly needing my attention. I have five more books this year that might bring up my score, so here’s hoping.

I have a bit of work to do across the board, but if I had met or exceeded all my goals half way through the year, I would have been under-reaching. If I’d said I would get that whole novel submitted, it would have been over-reaching. All in all…I’m thinking I’ve set a reasonable pace. Now, if I can just avoid too much take-away curry while in London…


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2 responses to “Looking at Those Resolutions Halfway Through the Year

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